Prohibition Of Outsourcing

A year of employment (outsourcing) will be prohibited. The decree was signed by Vladimir Putin the other day.
It is worth noting that " civilized " activities of this law are not subject to the law. Under " outsourcing " , one organization uses its production resources, functions or business processes of another company. Unlike one-time " support " , such outsourcing implies a long contract of one year.
These types of outsourcing are:
- IT Outsourcing - Programming, websites, maintenance, establishment and further escort of the software;
- Production outsourcing - Transfer of production to foreign organizations;
- Outsourcing business process - One or more business processes are referred to the implementing organization, and such processes are not basic (logistics, booms, marketing, advertising).
Increasingly, however, the concept of " caucusing " or " employment " is common among entrepreneurs. Such a system of work, when human resources agencies hire a certain staff member, and then these workers are hired by other companies. That's a pretty good move. For example, an enterprise operating on a simplified tax system with assistance Personnel outsourcing may regulate the number of employees while remaining on a special arrangement. All because employees are not contracted, and companies retain the required number of 100.

However, after the adoption of the law, which prohibits employers from employing wage earners, since 2016, the taxpayers will lose the opportunity. Enterprises will be able to rent personnel only from affiliated firms directly inside the holding. This principle of " employment " of workers can be implemented for a short period.
For example, the company plans leave for staff or needs to be temporarily replaced with the retention of the place. Here, management may resort to the hiring of staff.