Work Of The Outsourcing

In today ' s Russian context, the business objective has been to optimize all costs, especially in areas that do not profit. IT outsourcing saves more than 40 per cent of computer, computer network and servers. The speed and quality of service is not only not reduced, but IT outsourcing improves the enterprise ' s safeguards and information security.
What is IT outsourcing?
IT outsourcing (it outsourcing) - if simplified - the delegation of computer services to an external company specializing in IT services.
In addition to supporting and accompanying outsourcing, planning, implementation, deployment of information systems can also be implemented. Transfer to outsourcing can be both IT-wide, enterprise-wide infrastructure and parts (e.g. job support). IT outsourcing can be both a full replacement of IT staff to specialists and a complement to their functions: for example, in complex tasks that require specialized knowledge (such as the deployment of servers ' clusters) or in simple tasks, but which require significant work as a daily user support for a large company).
IT outsourcing, which has long become a standard in western business, is not the same for the News-Siberian market, but has so far less development. To date, this is the most modern, cost-effective and efficient way to support the organization ' s computer system.
The benefits of IT-Autsoring work.
We will elaborate on the benefits of IT-Autsorg work. Let's figure out why this is good.
1. Reduced direct IT costs by at least 40 per cent and full cost control.
You don't have to pay taxes for our services. Moreover, you can put the IT outsourcing services we provide and thereby reduce the tax burden.
- The cost of our IT services is lower than the salary of the full system administrator in Novosibirsk.
- Tax savings - tax credits for the regular system administrator are 43.2 per cent (NFL 13 per cent, Pension Fund 6 per cent, Pension Fund for FLF 5.1 per cent, Social Insurance Fund 2.9 per cent, Pension Fund 1.6 per cent, Social Insurance Fund 0.2 per cent).