Outsourcing Social Services

In practice, treatment of external companies may be caused by high levels of inefficient expenditure, poor management, low income levels of social institutions, etc.
In a competitive environment, outsourcing social services provided by private organizations often exceed the quality of the services provided by public institutions.
In Russia, researchers draw attention to the usefulness of outsourcing for municipal services. Social outsourcing may result in the municipality ' s functions being reduced only to " managing the quality of external execution. Municipal servicesand for analysis of the impact of these activities. In order to develop the application of social outsourcing in the municipal administration, it is proposed that private-public partnerships be introduced; competition among outsourcing organizations be maintained, including by encouraging the establishment of new non-profit organizations; and multifunctional centres in remote settlements be expanded.
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- Bass A.J., Zoomasova E.A. Social outsourcing and economic balance / Ideas and ideals. - 2011. - T. 2, No. 4. - C. 10-16.
- Richard Heeks, Shoba Arun. Social outsourcing as a development tool: The impact of outsourcing IT services to women's social enterprises in Kerala // Journal of International Development. - 2010. - T. 22, No. 4 (May). - C. 441-454.